Monday, May 23, 2011

Beer Bottle Grooms Cake

This beer bottle cake was made for Arlene's groom Stefan. It was created to resemble a Erdinger beer bottle. This cake was free standing at 1.5+ feet tall. This was not our first attempt at this cake. We tried to make this cake a couple days before the wedding and did not have the correct support structure in place. Therefore the cake did not stand up straight. In which lead to us having to revert to plan b.. which was starting from scratch. A lunch time trip to Home Hardware with Daniel helped us come up with a proper stand and support structure. We took the failed cake to TI Group for distribution. No one complained about a slice of free cake after their lunch.

The second attempted went well. The cake was standing up straight and looked really really good. However there was a catch. When we went to deliver the cake to Arlene's wedding venue on the Saturday, it was so humid outside that our fondant decided to sweat. Fondant CAN NOT sweat on a 1.5+ foot tall cake. Sweating fondant leads to slouching fondant and slouching fondant leads to a mess. Good thing Mary noticed this on our way to the venue and was literally able to hold the fondant on the cake with her hands. When we arrived at the venue we patched the cake back together and stuck it in their very very cold refrigerator. Arlene we hope Stefan enjoyed this cake! Here is to a amazing wedding and a even more amazing life together!!! Cup O Cake needs a refrigerator van ASAP!! lol

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