Saturday, February 5, 2011

Valentines Red Velvet Cupcakes

What would Valentines Day be without Red Velvet Cupcakes? These Red Velvet Cupcakes commemorate our first attempt at making red velvet cake. The recipe was fairly easy to follow, however with every new recipe there are lessons learned. First of all never substitute baking soda for baking powder. I know, I know I have been told this 100 times, however I just couldn't find the baking soda (I recently moved so my baking supplied are not as organized as they use to be). Also Canola oil and vegetable oil do not do the same thing. When I made these cupcakes and substituted Canola oil for vegetable oil the cupcakes had a crisp top. However when I remade the recipe and used the correct oil, the cupcakes came out perfect. Lesson Learned! We can now add another cake flavor to our recipe list. Red Velvet, Chocolate and Vanilla... Hmmm.. What will we make next?

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